Vegan Keychain | Rusty Rose Metal Keyring | Bag Chain Gift
Vegan Keychain | Rusty Rose Metal Keyring | Bag Chain Gift
Vegan Keychain | Rusty Rose Metal Keyring | Bag Chain Gift

Vegan Keychain | Rusty Rose Metal Keyring | Bag Chain Gift

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This Rusty Rose Metal Keychain is the perfect gift for any vegan. Made with cruelty-free materials, it is not only stylish but also environmentally conscious. Attach it to your keys or bag for added convenience. Show your commitment to a vegan lifestyle with this unique keychain.

Our hand made Vegan rustic rose keyring  / bag chain is the perfect gift for any Vegan.

Double sided V with the words VEGAN 3 time's on each side. 

Come's in a beautiful hessian gift bag | Size 4 x 11.5 cm | Rustic rose coloured metal.

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