Boxed Gold Bee Keychain Keyring Gift
Bee Keyring Boxed Gift | Cute Garden Bee Keychain Bag Chain | Gold Bee
Bee Keyring Boxed Gift | Cute Garden Bee Keychain Bag Chain | Gold Bee
Bee Keyring Boxed Gift | Cute Garden Bee Keychain Bag Chain | Gold Bee
Bee Keyring Boxed Gift | Cute Garden Bee Keychain Bag Chain | Gold Bee

Bee Keyring Boxed Gift | Cute Garden Bee Keychain Bag Chain | Gold Bee

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Our super cute hand made Bee keychain is the perfect gift for Bee lovers.

Hand painted | Gold Metal | Full length of keychain 12.5 cm | Silver & black rhinestones | Bee 4 x 6 cm | All of our beautiful hand made keychains come in our blue A Gift For You gift box - 6 x 14cm.

The bee's totemic spirit tells you that in life, respect, wisdom and sharing also bring abundance, harmony and wealth. Admired for the fruits of its labor, the bee is probably the most tenacious and methodical spirit animal in existence. They are small in size, but indispensable for pollination.

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