Buddha Statue Set | Jade Green Lucky Buddha Set Of 6 | Wealth Prosperity Health Gifts
Buddha Statue Set | Jade Green Lucky Buddha Set Of 6 | Wealth Prosperity Health Gifts
Buddha Statue Set | Jade Green Lucky Buddha Set Of 6 | Wealth Prosperity Health Gifts
Buddha Statue Set | Jade Green Lucky Buddha Set Of 6 | Wealth Prosperity Health Gifts
Buddha Statue Set | Jade Green Lucky Buddha Set Of 6 | Wealth Prosperity Health Gifts
Buddha Statue Set | Jade Green Lucky Buddha Set Of 6 | Wealth Prosperity Health Gifts
Buddha Statue Set | Jade Green Lucky Buddha Set Of 6 | Wealth Prosperity Health Gifts

Buddha Statue Set | Jade Green Lucky Buddha Set Of 6 | Wealth Prosperity Health Gifts

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Set of 6 beautiful green buddha statues, the perfect gifts to bring abundance, wealth, health, prosperity and joy to your home or the home you are gifting.

Average size 5-7 cm | Resin solid mold | Jade Green colour | Glossy finish | Quality small statues with beautiful details | Boxed set of 6 different statues.

Laughing Buddha with Meaning of different postures of Laughing Buddha a bowl

Laughing Buddha with a fan
This one symbolizes happiness and joy. It is said that waving of fan by Buddha sculpture depicts banishment of troubles.

Laughing Buddha with a sack or bag
The Buddha carrying sack symbolizes a traveler. One version is that the sack means that he collects people's sadness and woes and puts them in his sack. While another version is that the sack symbolizes wealth and good fortune.

Laughing Buddha with beads or balls
The one with beads is considered to be a monk representing meditation practice. The beads also symbolize ‘pearls of wisdom'.
While the ball is considered to be a wealth ball and is said that it brings wealth and prosperity.

Laughing Buddha Holding a ‘Wu Lou’

A ‘Wu Lou’ or bottle gourd in the Buddha’s hand represents good health and longevity. According to belief Buddha holding a Wu Lou keeps illness at bay.

Laughing Buddha Holding an Ingot

An ‘ ingot’ is basically an oval-shaped bowl that the Buddha holds in his hands. This signifies wealth and abundance.  Place him in the money area of your home to attract wealth energy.

There are many meanings of the Buddha and the good luck he may bring. There is abundance of information on the internet to further your knowledge and placements of your Buddha statues.

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