Funny dog coasters - Dogs welcome people tolerated table bar coaster set of 4 boxed gift
Funny dog coasters - Dogs welcome people tolerated table bar coaster set of 4 boxed gift
Dog Coasters | Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated Coasters Set Of 4 | Funny Dog Owner Gift
Dog Coasters | Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated Coasters Set Of 4 | Funny Dog Owner Gift

Dog Coasters | Dogs Welcome - People Tolerated Coasters Set Of 4 | Funny Dog Owner Gift

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Protect your coffee table while showing off your love for dogs with our Dog Coasters set of 4. Made with high-quality ceramic and cork to prevent slipping, these coasters are perfect for any dog owner. Give them as a funny and practical gift or keep them for yourself. Dogs welcome, people tolerated.

Set of 4 - same design | Ceramic | Round | Diameter 10 cm | Glossy finish | Boxed in our white coaster box with lid | Cork non slip backing.

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