Wild ape gorilla keyring keychain bag chain wild animal gift
Monkey - Gorilla Keychain Gift | Gun Metal Wild Ape Keyring Bag Chain Gift
Monkey - Gorilla Keychain Gift | Gun Metal Wild Ape Keyring Bag Chain Gift

Monkey - Gorilla Keychain Gift | Gun Metal Wild Ape Keyring Bag Chain Gift

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Elevate your style with our stunning Gorilla Keychain Gift. Made of Gun Black Coloured Metal, this wild ape keyring is a unique and eye-catching addition to your bag chain. Its intricate detailing and sturdy design make it the perfect gift for any ape lover. Complete your look with this bold and stylish accessory.

Gun black metal | Black rhinestones | 13 cm length | Gorilla 3.5 x 4 cm | Our stunning hand made keychains come in one of our cotton organza bags - colours may vary.

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