Colourful marine life turtle ocean coaster set
Colourful marine life turtle ocean coaster set
Turtle Coasters | Colourful Ocean Seaside Turtle Coaster Set Of 4 | Boxed Gift
Turtle Coasters | Colourful Ocean Seaside Turtle Coaster Set Of 4 | Boxed Gift

Turtle Coasters | Colourful Ocean Seaside Turtle Coaster Set Of 4 | Boxed Gift

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These colorful ocean-themed ceramic coasters feature charming marine turtles, perfect for adding a touch of seaside charm to your home. The set of 4 comes beautifully boxed, making it an ideal gift for any turtle or beach lover. Protect your surfaces in style with these delightful coasters.

Set of 4 - same design | White box with lid | Square | 10 x 10 cm | Glossy finish | Stunning colourful coasters | Cork non slip backing.

Turtle lovers will adore this beautiful gift. 

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